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Notes From ATOPP: Providing Bispecific Antibody Treatments in Community Oncology

The ATOPP Summit covered a range of cutting-edge topics, including the shift toward administering cellular therapies to patients in community oncology settings.

Emma Bijesse, Daniel Buchenberger
Frustrated man surrounded by technology, papers, people.
Oncology Clinics Frustrated With Manufacturer Engagement Tactics

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of our Monthly Insight Series! This month we’re discussing oncology clinic concerns with existing manufacturer engagement approaches, using data drawn from our 2024 Community Oncology report, coming later in June.

Ashutosh Sheth
Doctor looking at papers
When Do Payer Pathways Matter?

While provider-initiated oncology clinical pathways are regaining momentum, payer pathways struggle to find a foothold in this space. Still, they can exert impact under certain conditions.

Cindy Chen

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