Integrated Delivery Networks

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Integrated delivery networks (IDNs) are often the most complicated, dissimilar, and least understood customer segment in healthcare, with a significant and growing impact on prescription drug utilization. 

HMP MAI helps subscribers understand IDNs’ pharmaceutical management strategies and decision-making processes—in aggregate and at the account level. Our primary and secondary research illuminates IDNs' financial control practices, clinical oversight, and opportunities for engagement. In addition, our proprietary IDN archetyping methodology empowers our subscribers to successfully navigate this important segment. 

The 2024 IDN Oncology Annual Trend Report is now available! Our report provides invaluable knowledge on the complexities of IDNs and offers strategies for effective engagement with key stakeholders. Highlights include:

  • Growing Oncology Reach: IDNs are seeing increased patient volumes and referrals, enhancing their dispensing power.
  • Sophisticated Drug Management: Understand the impact of advanced tools like formularies and high-cost drug reviews on patient access.
  • Effective Engagement: Our new playbook offers tailored strategies to connect with oncologists and pharmacists.

Reach out to Sara if you are interested in access this report. 


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